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Foundation for Endangered Languages

2020 FEL Grant recipients

This year 8 grants were awarded for a total of US$7,570.

Grantee Country Language supported Grant (US$) Project title
FEL grants 2020
Iara MantenutoUSASan Sebastián del Monte Mixtec and Yucuquimi de Ocampo Mixtec (Mexico)990Signs and games: strategies for involving the youth in the revitalization of two varieties of Mixtec
Yujie Ji (Bendi Tso)CanadaChone Tibetan Language (China)1000The Collaborative Documentation, Development and Publication of the Chone Tibetan Story Book
Musombwa Igunzi MichelCongoKinyindu (Congo)960Kinyindu Endangered Language Song Book Project
Radu VoicaUKBlablanga (blp), including Zazao/Kilokaka (jaj), (Solomon Islands)980Blablanga Orthography and Literacy Materials Development Workshop
Edwin KoUSANorthern Pomo(Pomoan), (USA) 900Development of Northern Pomo language revitalization camps
Emuobonuvie Maria AjiboyeNigeriaUrhobo (Nigeria)990Development of Urhobo Reading Material for higher Basic Education
Ignacio MontoyaUSANorthern Paiute (Numu) (USA)750Using Northern Paiute Stories as Online Teaching Tools
Jey Lingam BurkhardtMalaysiaLun Bawang (Malaysia)1000Documenting mumuh, a traditional singing storytelling in Lun Bawang
See all previous grant recipients 2007-2019

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